
Exploring the Common Grounds: Brazil and the U.S.

Although social issues such as anti-racism, feminism, multiculturalism, and LGBTQ+ rights have prompted museums to diversify their collections and include artists from social minority groups in their exhibition programs, and counter-hegemonic notions of art and aesthetics have been vigorously debated by academics, artists, and curators, effective political and epistemic changes in the global contemporary art system have yet to occur. On the contrary, as a result of the contemporary neoliberal instrumentalization of identity-based agendas, the art system has integrated these agendas through a process that, primarily driven by the art market, de-potentializes and commercializes them.[1] So, while social minority eventually obtain representation in the art system, their political demands, identities, and traumas are used to benefit the dominant order. This paradoxical outcome emphasizes the importance of developing separate political acts and cultural interactions capable of dismantling c

Financial Services Integration in US-Brazil Trade


US-Brazil Economic Policies: Enhancing Bilateral Investment Opportunities

  In Brazil, the automobile industry generates a large number of manufacturing employment, while the aeronautic industry generates little. Although employment in aeronautics has grown rapidly, the number of workers employed remains limited. In both industries, employment patterns have coincided with a significant increase in skill levels. ⦁Employment Trends in the Aeronautics and Automotive Industries Between 2000 and 2016, the aeronautic and automotive industries in Brazil had significant development in added value, resulting in job growth. Nonetheless, there are differences between the two industries. The limited impact of added value growth on employment in the aeronautic industry is due to Embraer's dominance and reliance on imports in the lack of a national supply network.  How Brazil's inclusion into aerospace and automotive GSCs affects jobs and skills. Embraer's reputation as an OEM and global leader in the regional airplane market segment has undoubtedly boosted ae

US-Brazil Economic Policies and the Role of Multilateral Organizations

We employed numerous datasets to analyze quantitative and qualitative trends in employment in the aeronautic and automotive industries in France and Brazil, including national accounts, information from industry associations, and information from the firms under consideration. Because of its strong success, the French aeronautic sector was able to create jobs in France, primarily in major corporation subcontracting enterprises, and raise France's proportion of skilled European employment (in R&D). However, these tendencies may not continue. Forecasts for skilled employment in France's Greater Southwest region forecast a reduction in job numbers, which is cause for concern given the region's prominent role in the global supply chain of large firms.  Impact on Employment and Labor Total employment in the French automotive industry has dropped. Despite a severe decline in automobile manufacturing, automotive suppliers have created new jobs in France. However, these new pos

US-Brazil Economic Policies: Tackling Climate Change

As previously said, huge firms are responsible for the majority of GSC creation. As a result, limiting the study to the industry level (for example, the 'aeronautic' or 'automotive' GSC) is insufficient, despite the fact that the majority of the literature does so. Our research into the GSCs of Airbus, Embraer, Renault, and PSA reveals that they should be seen as strategic spaces. ⦁Significant discrepancies in the GSCs of Airbus and Embraer Airbus' GSC is built on moving final assembly lines (FAL) to local or regional markets, such as the Americas or Asia. Embraer's strategy, on the other hand, is focused on Brazil, which serves as a domestic export hub. While Airbus maintains control over its primary suppliers, Embraer is a global leader who is beholden to its largely non-Brazilian suppliers. ⦁Airbus's GSC involves offshoring assembly plants and managing the supply chain. Airbus operates four final assembly locations. Outside of Europe, two have recently be

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